Passing & Posting Data
There are several options to pass data from CPV Lab Pro to landing pages and offers.
1. Using wildcard tokens in the LP/Offer URLs
- CPV Lab Pro offers predefined tokens that can be placed in the landing page and offer URLs and will be replaced with the actual values for each visitor before they get redirected to the URLs.
The wildcard tokens that can be used in the landing page and offer page URLs are:
- {!target!} – will be replaced by the actual target/keyword
- {!subid!} – will be replaced by the CPV Lab Pro SubID
- {!token1!}, {!token2!}, ... {!token15!}(new) – will be replaced with the Extra Token 1...15 value
- {!adtoken!} – will be replaced with the Ad Token value
- {!sm_device_brand!} – will be replaced with the mobile device brand
- {!sm_device_model!} – will be replaced with the mobile device model
- {!sm_device_marketing!} – will be replaced with the mobile device market name
- {!ispcarrier!} – will be replaced with the ISP/Carrier name
- {!mm_continent!} – will be replaced with the Continent the visitor is located
- {!mm_country!} – will be replaced with the Country the visitor is located
- {!mm_country_code!} – for the regular 2 characters Country Code
- {!mm_state!} – will be replaced with the State/Province the visitor is located
- {!mm_city!} – will be replaced with the City the visitor is located
- {!mm_iseu!} – 0 for non-EU visitors and 1 for EU visitors
- {!sm_browser!} – will pass Browser Name to the page
- {!sm_browser_version!} – will pass Browser Version to the page
- {!sm_os!} – will pass OS Name to the page
- {!sm_os_version!} – will pass OS Version to the page
- {!ipaddress!} – pass the visitor’s IP address
- {!landingpageid!} – pass the Landing Page ID
- {!landingpagename!} – pass the Landing Page Name
- {!offerid!} – pass the Offer ID
- {!offername!} – pass the Offer Name
- {!cost!} - passes the cost of the click
- {!tscode!} - passes the External ID (unique code from Traffic Source)
- {!campaignid!} - passes the Campaign ID
- {!campaignkey!} (new) - passes the Campaign Key Code
- {!trackingdomain!} (new) - passes the Tracking domain used in campaign
The tokens for Browser and Operating System will work for both computer and mobile traffic. They will be replaced by the actual values from the corresponding database based on traffic type.
The wildcard tokens that can be used in the additional pixel URLs are:
- {!tscode!} – will be replaced with the traffic source hidden token value
- {!revenue!} – will be replaced with the conversion revenue amount
- {!target!} – will be replaced by the actual target/keyword
- {!subid!} – will be replaced by the CPV Lab Pro SubID
- {!token1!}, {!token2!}, ... {!token10!} – will be replaced with the Extra Token 1...10 value
There are also checkboxes for:
Pass Ad Token to LP/Offer – only for CPC campaigns, will append the Ad Token value using the same parameter that it was captured from
Pass Extra Token 1...10 to LP/Offer – will pass the Extra Token value using the same parameter that it was captured from
Pass Country Code and EU location(NEW)
- It is now possible to pass the country code and details about visitors from European Union (useful if having different landing page or settings for EU traffic to comply with the GDPR regulations) to the Landing Pages or Offer pages using wildcards that can be placed in the URLs.
- The wildcards are:
- {!mm_country_code!} – for the regular 2 characters Country Code
- {!mm_iseu!} – 0 for non-EU visitors and 1 for EU visitors
- The country code and EU flag are captured based on the IP address using the Maxmind GeoIP database.
2. Automatic passing of parameters through the base pages
- All base pages (
base.php, base2.php, base3.php
) will forward all other parameters (that are not Targets, Ad Tokens or Extra Tokens) to the next page, which can either be a landing page or an offer page. - These parameters are forwarded unchanged, exactly as they are received by the base page.
Example (passing parameters using predefined options)
If you have a campaign with the following options:
- Target is captured from the
parameter - Pass Target to LP is checked and selected parameter is
- Extra Token 1 is defined with parameter
and the option to pass it to LP is checked - The LP URL is:{!subid!}&device={!sm_device_model!}
- Target is captured from the
Then if you have a visitor using an iPhone and calling the Campaign URL like:
The Landing page URL (LP URL) the visitor will be redirected to will be:
The parameters from the LP URL are:
- subid and device – passed from the 2 wildcard tokens that where replaced with the actual values;
- mytarget – passed because the Pass Target to LP option was checked;
- source – passed because the option to pass Extra Token 1 to LP was checked;
- additional – passed because it was forwarded by the